Getting submissions to a Google Form to appear in a Slack chat is straightforward. You can use services like Zapier to do this, but it turns out to be easy to use Google’s scripting interface to get instant message-pushing without a third-party tool.
This approach is lifted directly from an Obake Labs blog post, but the code didn’t quite work off the shelf for me.
To implement:
- Set up a Google Form and link it to a spreadsheet.
- Set up a Bot User in Slack and /invite it to the channel you want it to speak in. Make a note of the key.
- Go to the response spreadsheet and open the Script Editor (Tools -> Script editor).
- Paste in the following code, replacing the values as necessary:
function SendSlackMessage(e){
// Only include form values that are not blank
var user_info="";
for (var key in e.namedValues) {
var val = e.namedValues[key][0].toString();
if (val !== "") {
user_info += key + ': ' + val + '\n';
var url = "";
var payload =
"token" : "BOT_TOKEN_HERE",
"as_user" :"true",
"text" : "New response received:\n" + user_info,
"channel" : "#general", // or whatever
"type" : "post",
var options =
"method" : "POST",
"payload" : payload,
"followRedirects" : false,
"muteHttpExceptions": true
//Hit the Slack API with the request
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
//Check the request went through and log errors if necessary
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var params = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
Finally, go to Resources -> Current project’s triggers, and add a trigger to run SendSlackMessage on a form submit response from a spreadsheet. Save your project and you should be in business!
I’m looking for ways to get responses in to Google Forms from Slack in a reasonable manner. Botkit’s approach to conversations is the only thing I’ve come across so far; let me know if you have a better way.